Pardis Radan

Pardis Radan

Full Notch Creep Test (FNCT)

The OCS Full Notch Creep Test (FNCT) is a widely used method of classifying polyethylene materials in terms of their slow crack growth behavior under accelerated conditions. A circumferentially notched body is loaded in a tempered wetting agent with a defined tensile stress, and the time until a break occurs is measured.

Testable Raw Materials

  • Polyethylene materials


  • 15 sample stations with independent tensile stress adjustment and data acquisition
  • Load application through easily adjustable lever weight system
  • Precise adjustment of tensile stress through electronic force sensor
  • Uniform bath temperature control through extensive bath insulation
  • Exhaust air connections for targeted vapor extraction
  • Continuous pH value measurement with adjustable warning and alarm thresholds
  • No time limit on test times, time resolution: 1 second (real time)
  • Operation via touch panel with data trend as well as optical and acoustic alarm functions
  • High chemical resistance of the material used (stainless steel)